The GICHD works towards reducing risks to communities stemming from explosive ordnance, with particular focus on mines, cluster munitions, other explosive remnants of war and ammunition storages. The Centre helps develop and professionalise the mine action sector for the benefits of its partners: National and local authorities, donors, the United Nations, other international and regional organisations, non-governmental organisations, commercial companies and academia. It does so by combining three distinct lines of service: field support focused on capacity development and advice, including the development of national strategies, multilateral work focused on norms and standards, and research and development focused on cutting-edge solutions.

GICHD has collaborated closely with ZIMAC and other national and international partners in Zimbabwe for several years. A key area has been the provision of IM support, including database maintenance and IM training. In late 2016, GICHD started supporting ZIMAC with developing Zimbabwe’s first ever National Mine Action Strategy. This process, which was inclusive of all national and international stakeholders, implemented in line with international good practice, culminated with the Vice President formally launching Zimbabwe’s National Mine Action Strategy 2018-2025 in Harare in March 2018.  GICHD also supported the development of Zimbabwe’s Communications and Resource Mobilisation Strategy in 2018-19. In addition GICHD has availed several travel sponsorship to Zimbabwean delegates to international meetings.

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